CULTURLA HOSTING 's official website and its domains use cookies (small information files that the server sends to the computer of the person that access the site) for the proper operation and view of the page, as well as for statistic collection purposes. Namely, the following cookies are used:
Cookies | Type | Temporality | Ownership | Purpose |
Google Analytics:
Analytic | Permanent/ Temporary |
External. Terms of the service: [2] |
They are used to generate a unique user identifier (IP not sent), used to count how many times a user visits the site, as well as the date of the first and last time they visited the web. They record the date and time of access to any of the portal pages. They check the need to keep a user's session open or create a new one. They identify the user's session, to collect the approximate geographical location of the computer that accesses the portal.
Google's cookies:
Technical | Permanent/ Temporary |
External |
They are used for the operation of Google services, such as reCaptcha and search and content sharing services.
Matomo's cookies
Technical | Permanent/ Temporary |
Internal | They are used to generate a unique user identifier (IP not sent), used to count how many times a user visits the site, as well as the date of the first and last time they visited the web. They record the date and time of access to any of the portal pages. They check the need to keep a user's session open or create a new one. They identify the user's session, to collect the approximate geographical location of the computer that accesses the portal. |
Cookie session:
Technical | Temporary | Internal |
They are used to store a unique session identifier for the correct functioning of the portal.
[1] – Google Analytics Cookie Usage on Websites:
[2] – Google Analytics Privacy Policy:
[3] – Conditions of Google and YouTube cookies:
Third Parties Services
CULTURAL HOSTING is also present on other websites and services provided by third parties. If you want to know the privacy policies and cookies usage of the same, you should refer to the policies provided by them:
- Twitter:
- YouTube:
- Facebook:
- Recaptcha:
- Google Maps:
How to Change the Cookies Settings
You can limit, block or delete the cookies from CULTURLA HOSTING or any other website using your browser: The steps to be taken vary depending on the browser used. The "Help" option will show you how to do it.
- Internet Explorer:
- Microsoft Edge:
- FireFox:
- Chrome:
- Safari:
You can also manage the cookies stored in your browser using tools such as:
- Ghostery:
- Your online choices: